Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Life Is As Easy As It Seems

"Make choices based on what you want to do not what everyone thinks you should do."  -My daily horoscope from my phone.  

I am well aware that this is generic advice and could be given to anyone, but sometimes, it's just right.  Everything is so cloudy lately.  I typically go with my gut feeling, but now I'm not so sure.  I feel pressure from life to be more than I am at the moment.  

I could go back to school and get a degree that wouldn't make me happy and make more money so by standards more money would lead to a greater happiness?  Absurd.  Even just writing that has opened my soul to see how wrong it would be for me to stay.   Staying in one place because you're scared of failing seems ridiculous.  Also, living my life how another person sees fit, because they didn't use their life wisely isn't really living my life.  

While I don't know where my life will take me, I do know that I can't just do something because I think it will make someone else happy.  Joy is something I can have now.  It isn't something I have to have a degree for.  Happiness won't be on my paycheck.  In my life, the pause button doesn't work.

Monday, March 8, 2010

HSP's Guide

Hope this helps :)

Destiny D.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Normal Heartache

I'm experiencing what I call 'The normal heartache.'  It's when I'm happy where I am, where life is taking me and yet I want more.  Tonight Janssen called me and let me talk to Auren and they were out having fun at a bar.  I was happy to hear from them.  I am happy what is going on in my life, but suddenly, i felt the ache.  I could have cried because I couldn't see them laugh and have fun.  How silly...

I think I miss the love that some people bring into your life.