Monday, August 10, 2009

When Compliments Turn Creepy

Okay, so it's been established that anytime a guy says some line I'm like, "uncalled for" or "inappropriate"...but I've been working on the compliment aspect. If someone says I look nice, say thank you, smile and accept it. There is a line though. This is what I'm talking about...

Today I go to the library to work on a few things and enjoy the quietness that the 'brary can offer one. It's a lovely day outside, so I opt to wear a summer dress. Nothing worthy of a scandal. It covers appropriately. I'm getting done what I need to, which includes printing off a piece of paper. As I make my way to the printer, I see a guy who I had class with so naturally I stop and say hey and ask how his summer has been and what he's doing for the semester and what not. He then tells me that I look really nice in my summer dress and I say Thank you. "No, I mean really nice" "Well, thank you." Now, I'm just throwing this out there, but the guy is in his 40's and has a daughter my age and not that age matters too much or anything, but let's keep it in perspective...actually, regardless of age, what happens next is just not he tells me he's been working on music and that I should check it out sometime and I'm like sure...and then he brings it back to my dress... "I mean you look hot in your dress. I'd like to get me some of that." After that line, he acknowledges that he is indeed being creepy. I neither deny or affirm just look slightly shocked.

To end this, I'm not saying I don't like compliments. Saying I look nice today will make my day. Everyone likes hearing a compliment, but I don't want things to get out of hand. Even if you would want to rip their clothes off right there, maybe keep that to yourself or pencil it down in your diary, but don't voice it. I just thought I'd write about this to give people an idea of what I mean when I think compliments turn creepy.

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