Today has been one of those days. You know, the day that doesn't fit in. Well, it was a Monday.
First off, Janssen and Destiny should not be allowed to drink that much wine. It was fun though :)
After sippin' on some H2O and getting my life together it was time for packing. Weeeeee! It was so hard. I was told to pack lightly and that I wouldn't be needing any clothes *wink* but i've never been a good listener, so instead I packed clothes and it wasn't light, but tight. It made it all into carry-on! I have a backpack and a lil bag. It's impressive, really. It took several rounds of clothing being eliminated and then being decided it could fit...I have a skill for squeezing it all in. Ohhh yeahhh.
When packing was finished, it was time to have my first one-on-one with my lil bro from Big Brothers, Big Sisters. At first I thought they had forgotten about the whole deal, because I showed up five minutes late-I got lost- and no one answered the door. Slightly bummed. Then the angels were singing and their van drove up to the driveway. Next, it was super awkward trying to get the kid out of his house and ready to go. He couldn't find his sandals and his little sister wanted to come along...the grandma was not handeling this well and yelling and there I was like "ohhh, well I bet if you just look in your room you'll find them". If you know me, you know how I get when I'm trying to be polite, but I'm awkward and obviously uncomfortable. It's Once he was in the car though he was awesome. We talked. I bought him dinner since he hadn't eaten and he loved that. On the drive home he was telling me how he wanted to compromise and do something he wanted to do then the next week do something I wanted to should have seen the huge smile on his face when I told him that I only wanted to do things he did. Oh! We listened to Disney music- uh, yeah, I burned my own Disney CD like the naturally fabulous gal I am- and he would tell me the movie and what part of the movie it was on every song. Amazing. I felt bad telling him I would be out of town for a little bit, but he seemed okay with it and was just like, I can't wait to have our next time together. Grrrrr, kids shouldn't be so cute. It's at this point I start thinking my own? adoption? I go back and forth and in between. When it's time for me to make decisions I'll know what's right.
Despues mi visit, Janssen and I took off for Des Moines. We had a fabulous drive, as usual. Talking. Songs. Car dancing. Ghettoing out. It only got me more pumped for the trip.
Now it's now and I sit inside a bedroom in J's house. I've been talking myself into my fake ID. I have a plan. Plus, I'm just gonna be mad if it doesn't work. People know my anger issues when I have to argue that it is indeed me on the ID. It'll work. It always has. It scans. The picture is dark. It kind of looks like a younger, more awkward me....Everything always works out.
Tuesday here I come. Des Moines imma be alllll over you tomorrow ;)
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